Ihmisiä rivissä, kaikki katsovat kameraan.

Category: Internationality

Ihmisiä rivissä, kaikki katsovat kameraan.

EU4Dual Alliance Meeting to Address Major Societal Challenges through dual higher education


The EU4Dual Alliance, an unprecedented collaboration of nine leading dual university institutions in Europe, proudly..

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Nuoria seisomassa kuntosalilla, katsovat hymyillen kameraan.

Savonia Article: Wellness Center experience


Wellness Center is an entrepreneurial learning environment for Savonia's health-, tourism- and business students. Wellness..

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Ihmisiä seisomassa rivissä.

Savonia Article: Developing Cultural competence in Erasmus+ Global SA-IS (Savonia ISCISA) project


Let’s face it: we all have preconceived notions about people from different cultures. There may..

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Mercedes-Benz Car Factory.

Savonia Article: Savonia IoT students visited Mercedes-Benz Car Factory – Experiences Gathered


Eight IoT students and three teachers from Savonia University of Applied Sciences visited the Mercedes-Benz..

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Neptune project logo.

The Neptune Project is Ready to Impact the Whole World


Six talented students from five countries arrived in Lucerne, Switzerland, on Friday, March 17th, and..

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Kaksi röntgenhoitajaopiskelijaa harjoittelemassa röntgenkuvausta.

Savonia Article: Spinal Cord Injury and Rehabilitation


The spinal cord is a cylindrical structure that is part of the central nervous system..

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Röntgenkuvaus käynnissä.

Savonia Article: Children with Neurological Disorders and Rehabilitation


Neurological disorders are medically defined as disorders that affect the brain, nerves, and the spinal..

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Michaela Rakova ja Georgios Marios Kyriakatis.

Thirty International Physiotherapy Students and Teachers Joined at Intensive Course


Three universities around Europe are involved in the study course for the joint Blended Intensive..

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Kaksi röntgenhoitajaopiskelijaa harjoittelemassa röntgenkuvausta.

Savonia Article: The Effects of Dance and Music Therapy for Treating Parkinson’s Disease


The main symptoms of PD are unintended or uncontrollable movements such as tremors. Also, stiffness,..

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Ihmiset ovat asettaneet kämmenensä päällekkäin ja hymyilevät kameralle.

Savonia Article: Virtual Reality and Exergames in Rehabilitation of Neurological Patients


In 20 – 25.2.2023, Blended Intensive program in Neurological rehabilitation ran. Read more

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