
Category: Articles


Savonia Article: Overview of Finland’s waste management


Waste management in Finland is guided by national and regional policies. The aim of these..

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Vesipisara sammeleella.

Bio and Circular Cluster North Savo


BIOCC supports the growth of companies in the industry by bringing together the best specialists..

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kuvituskuva teksti bio- ja kiertotalous

Circular Economy Solutions


The aim of the HOOP project is to boost circular economy in European cities and..

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Keltainen robotti lattialla.

5G-Enabled Smart Factory Environment: Seamless Collaboration with Arm Cobots and Mobile Robot


This project aims to automate the seamless transfer of final products from the smart factory..

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ravitsemusluennot savonia

Nursing Insight: Addressing healthy eating and promoting healthy elderly


Both the quality and quantity of consumed food have an impact on the well-being and..

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Ihmisiä poseeraa kameralla

Developing Practices of e-counselling


The two-year e-counseling/Ecco project will conclude at the end of 2023. The last international exchange..

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Background picture for the article

Design considerations for large scale additive manufacturing, part 2


In the previous article, we delved into the world of LSAM (Large Scale Additive Manufacturing)..

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Terveydenhoitajaopiskelija ja vauvanukke.

A New Era of Neonatal Intensive Care: Digital Care Paths for Family Integrated Care


Family integrated care is proven to promote parental engagement and development of parents’ self-sufficiency in..

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Ihmisiä tekemässä ryhmätöitä luokkahuoneessa

Winter School 2023 – Innovating at the Basque Country


Nestled among the picturesque landscapes of the Bask Country, the first Winter School under the..

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Ihmisiä poseeraa rapuilla

Lessons Learned in Germany


We worked together on the bi-national course” Global Social Work: A Finnish- German Encounter”. Read..

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